Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love in Lily of the Valley

I worked on our lily of the valley garden tonight... and thanks to a wonderful friend of mine, I made our special garden grow with love.  The lily of the valley is a funny story for us.  Last year we received the most beautiful lily of the valley plants from my husband's 95 year old grandmother who had them growing in her garden from her mother's.  Those started our little 'love' garden.  We loved them so much before we received those and especially upon receiving them that we wanted lily of the valley for our wedding in June last year.  When we talked to our florist (who was one of the last vendors we dealt with) we were saddened to hear that we were a month too late for those beautiful flowers.  Even though I was willing to change the date of our wedding to make it in time for lily of the valley, I realized this was not humanly possible.  So we did what we could do and did all the wedding details in lily of the valley and used all old fashioned white flowers for our wedding.  Now, almost a year later we received these beautiful lilies to add to our special garden.  The garden now not only represents generations from our family but it also represents our friendships.  The combination of those two things in addition to everything we are, is the foundation for our love.  We felt it fitting to place the 'love' stepping stone we received as a bridal shower gift to express this little portion of our growing garden.

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